Friday, February 21, 2014

Socieities Priorities - Yes, A Boring Yet Historically Averted Headline

Doesn't it amaze you how provincial and municipal government have failed themselves to work together selflessly to solve the problem of homelessness and hunger in our own society.  We heavily plunder tax dollars into bottomless initiatives or falsely buffered make work projects.  Some of these  initiatives may encompass such city projects as an overpriced government office or building which will nest and harbor inactivity and fruitless outcomes.

The reason  the mutual admiration society has not come together on these rudimentary issues, which are the foundation for a healthy society, is that there are no votes or big money to be made. Homelessness, hunger, mental illness are inherent issues in all cities and continue to be swept under the shaggy bureaucratic carpet.

A city is only as strong as its weakest link. There is always room for improvement. If you want to encourage and promote culture, tourism and recreation to bolster a cities profile and identity we need to first take care of the ones who need the help most.

Public awareness campaigns seem to appeal to these concerns during our more selfish self consumptive months of November/December and barren contemplative months of January and February. These meager periodic attempts to provide a band aid solution is no way to operate. Until we can all truly collectively realize that once these problems are serviced and remedied then we will remain to have a shameful civilization of narrow minded, misguided leaders who neglect the needs of non voters and the mentally, physically and financially impoverished.

Rob Balla

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